Thursday, July 3, 2008

Brady has to get a Doc Band

We got some kinda bad news at the PT yesterday. Where Brady has the infant torticolis with his neck it has made a flattening spot on the right back of his head. No matter what I do when he sleeps and naps he always seems to find that spot to lay on his head in order to fully be comfortable. So what this Doc band helmet will do is keep the pressure off his flat spot so that his skull can conform to a perfectly rounded head. It will only take from 4-6 weeks and they said that it does not bother the baby. Its does not look horrible but its just not pretty either. His neck is getting much better he can hold it straight up fine, but when he is mad or fussy he seems to go back to tilting it. I hate it, but there could be much worse things, and at least this is something that can be fully recovered within a matter of time.


Anonymous said...

bless his little heart. you are right though there could be far worse things wrong, and its wonderful that this can be fixed. we will keep you all in our prayers!

Elise Keylon said...

Thank you so much!!