Sunday, September 28, 2008

Family reunion

This is out anual family reunion on Dayton Mountain at mt great aunt's house!


Lindsay surprise party


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Check these out there great.

This is just a few!!!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday School cookout!!

This Saturday we had good time up in Kingston with our Sunday School class for Hawaiian hamburgers and lots of other goodies. The guys watched the game but me and most of the mommies played with the kids. They had a ball playing together and it was good for Peyton to be around other kids her own age. Friday a friend of mine came down to take the kids pictures at the park and I can't wait to get them back. He is very talented and it was nice of him to come up to Spring City and bring all his equipment to shoot for me.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bye Bye Helmet!!!

Good news from the Doctor!!! We can now gradually start taking Brady off his helmet.In three short weeks he should only be wearing it during naps and at night. I am so thankful that it only took 8 weeks of the helmet overall. They originally told us 3 months and i just figured that it would be all of that or longer but God showed me who's in charge, not any doctor but Him and only Him. He is in control and knows more than any doctor and has plans for us that are beyond our control. We just need to step back and let him bless us. It reminds me of that verse...Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God.."


Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us!!!

Two years and two kids later!!!


Friday, September 12, 2008

4 teeth in one week!!!

Brady has surly broke some kind of record. Last week at this time he had no teeth this morning I count 4 coming in. To say the least he has been very uncomfortable. Sleep in out household is precious because it gets interrupted so often during the night. I tried to get a picture of Brady's teeth but no such luck. ohh yeah and Happy Birthday to my DAD. His birthday is also the anniversary of 9/11


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Leah's surprise party


Brady got his first tooth!!

This morning as I was feeding Brady I noticed he was more interested in chewing than sucking so I thought something was going on. I felt a little sharp tooth poping through his bottom yeah finally he got one, Peyton had on at five months so I thought Brady was never gonna get one.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Christie!!!
